YouTube Managers, Active Subscribers, Automated Playlists – TubeTalk Podcast #36

Last updated on June 14th, 2024

How and why do you add YouTube account managers instead of sharing passwords? How do you find out your channel’s active subscriber base? How do you automate the process of adding videos to a playlist?


Tip #1: How and Why Can You Add YouTube Account Managers Instead of Sharing Passwords?

YouTube player

Matt Ballek says that you don’t have to share your YouTube password with multiple people, vendors and/or partners. Rather, yo can just give them “manager” status. This makes permissions management and security much easier.

To do this the YouTube account must first be connected to a Google+ page. Then you can add and remove managers at will.

To add a manager:

  1. Go To Account Settings
  2. Click “Add or remove managers.”
  3. You’ll go to the associate Google+ Page.
  4. Click “Add managers.”
  5. Enter their email address.
  6. They will get an invite.
  7. After they accept the invite, and they log in to the YouTube account associated with that email, they will have the option to manage to your account.

More info: “Add or remove managers of a channel.”

Tip #2: How Do You Find Out Your Channel’s Active Subscriber Base?

Dane Golden likes to manage views per subscriber, aka the “active subscriber base.” He believes that views per subscriber is the most reliable way of determining your future views per video.

Past views only tells you exactly that – past views. They don’t account for ongoing trends. So he takes the five most recently published videos on a channel, counts their organic views, and averages them out. Then he divides by the current subscriber count.

His research has shown that the views per subscriber continues to hold true as the channel viewership grows. So if you get more subscribers, roughly the same percentage will be organic viewers. If you haven’t had four or five videos in the last month, this method is not guaranteed, because your channel won’t have a very loyal viewership.

Generally if you’re a business, you should shoot for 10% viewers per subscriber. If you’re a YouTuber, shoot for more than 15%. If you build your subscriber base, you will generally build your viewership. But if you’re not getting at least 10% views per subscriber, ask yourself why this is. Why did someone subscribe to your channel but no longer watches it? Did your content change? Are you posting too much content? Are you posting too little? Are you targeting the wrong kinds of subscribers in some way? Or, has your audience evolved, but you haven’t?

Tip #3: How Can You Automate the Process of Adding Videos to a Playlist?

Jeremy Vest says that you can now automatically add videos to playlists. To do this, click the “Edit” button next to an individual playlist, then click on “Playlist Settings.”

The default setting is “Basic.” Instead click the “Auto add” tab then “Add rule.” You can automatically add videos to the playlist based on keywords in the categories of “Title contains,” “Description contains,” and “Tags.” Set up your rules, then click “Save” and you’re done.

Jeremy recommends using the Tags feature, then adding that specific tag to new videos. He would only recommend this feature for channels with hundred of videos where it is difficult to manage channels manually.

More info: “How To Create YouTube Playlists – Infographic.” Jeremy is giving listeners a free quick VidPow course on playlists with his “Complete Guide to YouTube Playlists.”
