How To Convert Your YouTube Video Into A Blog Post

How To Turn A YouTube Video Into A Blog Post

Last updated on June 14th, 2024


How can you turn your YouTube video into a blog post for your website? Today I’m going to show you how.

Hey, this is Dane Golden from This is the channel where we help you share your expertise and grow your customer community through video. So if you want to grow your business, hit the subscribe button, and ring that bell so you get all the goodies. And please stay to the end, where I’ll give you a secret special bonus tip.


So why would you want to turn your YouTube video into a blog post? Well, there’s several reasons. One, blog posts get indexed on Google. YouTube videos get indexed on YouTube. They sort of get indexed on Google sometimes, but wouldn’t it be great if you had the same asset, you could use twice, one as a blog post, and one as a video.


Also, have you ever tried sharing a YouTube video on Facebook? It’s hard, isn’t it? Why is that? It doesn’t get a lot of traffic, because Facebook doesn’t want YouTube on their channel. They want you to upload natively to that platform – you can share it, they just won’t show it in the algorithm very much.

However, if you make that video into a blog post, and the video’s embedded in that blog post, you can share that to your Facebook page, and then it will get seen more. Additionally, you can pay to have that blog post amplified, which you could not do with a YouTube video, right?

Another reason, some people may just be readers, and not watchers, but if you have that asset, if you’ve created that knowledge base, there’s no reason why you can’t get the readers and the watchers, right? Some people will come to your website because they’ve seen you you YouTube, but others will go to YouTube because they’ve seen you on your website, right? So why not have both?


So what I do in each YouTube video is I start by doing some captions. And I get them from (affiliate link). And then they write some captions for me, and I upload those to the video.

But those also can be used as a blog post. I download those as a TXT file, and then I re-edit them to be a better blog post that has more, it’s more SEO-friendly. Like you might write a normal blog post, and if you like you can add images and headers, and even other YouTube videos, if they’re relevant. It really depends on your own time.


I’ve found that the way I speak is more conversational and totally different from the way I write. So sometimes I’ll leave it in just as a transcript. And sometimes I’ll rewrite it as a real nice article. It really depends on my time, but your company may have more resources to rewrite those blog posts. And these blog posts may be on the shorter side, because the script of a video tends to be shorter than a blog post for whatever reason.

And my free secret special bonus tip for you today is that you can actually add a YouTube subscribe button right in a webpage, right underneath the YouTube video, or anywhere else in the webpage. And that’s a really great, awesome option because people can subscribe to your YouTube channel without even visiting your YouTube channel. YouTube calls it configuring a button, and it’s very easy to configure, and I try to do that on every page where I put a YouTube video, because if they liked it, they should subscribe, but in embedded video you can’t subscribe directly from the video without going to the channel.

And as a special gift to you today, I have searched all of YouTube to find the very best video for you to watch next, and it’s right here, so go ahead and check it out, right here. Click on that one, and I’ll see you next time.!

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