Video and the Customer Journey and/or Funnel

Last updated on June 5th, 2024

In today’s world, video is essential to the customer journey and or funnel. Today we’re talking about how YouTube fits into the funnel, and at what stages other types of social video, personal video, webinars and other videos fit into that customer journey at various stages.


HOSTS: The VidAction Podcast is hosted by:
– Dane Golden –
– Shelly Saves The Day –


Dane Golden:
It’s time for the video marketing podcast. My name is Dane Golden from VidAction where we help you turn your viewers into customers. And I’m here with my friend, Shelly Saves The Day. Welcome Shelly.

Shelly Saves The Day:
Thank you so much. I’m excited to be here.

Dane Golden:
Okay, and today’s topic we decided Shelly is going to be video and the customer journey and/or funnel.

So this could be YouTube, but there’s so many other ways video is part of the customer journey. And maybe you could just give a brief description of what the customer journey is and why do we call it a funnel sometimes, and maybe there’s a distinction.

Shelly Saves The Day:
Well, I think there’s a lot of nuance to this, and it depends on which side of the, you know, are you the viewer?

Are you the company that is doing this? And I think we all get the idea of that inverted pyramid. You have a lot at the top, and it’s funneling down, hopefully from attraction into this nurture sequence into then hopefully closing them, making sure that they have this retention. And then I like to call it the “after dazzle.”

And we’ll get into that too, about how you actually go above and beyond to impress people who have said yes to you, yes to you, or actually said no to you in the past. So that’s kind of what I think about in the customer journey. How does one go from not knowing about you, deciding, oh, they’re interested, deciding, oh, let me make a purchase or check out what this really is, and then how do you.

Making sure that they’re satisfied. They know how to use the thing they’ve purchased or they’re happy with it, and make sure that they don’t have these questions. And then the after dazzle,

Dane Golden:
Right! “After dazzle,” some people might call it customer success.

Shelly Saves The Day:

Dane Golden:
Some people might call it avoiding churn.

Shelly Saves The Day:

Dane Golden:
Or monthly recurring revenue. There’s a lot of buzzwords that go into that, but video is so important. In so many stages of this now, it used to be one or two stages, but now it’s sort of, it potentially is in almost any stage. And I thought we would talk about from start to finish, and, and often you can think of, uh, the funnel or the customer journey as starting with that big wide, just like a, a funnel you might use to pour water or gasoline or, you know, Some sort of something in the kitchen.

Using, using, using a funnel. Oops. There goes my headset. There it is. But um, I sometimes think of it differently. I sort of think of it like a, um, adventure over terrain where, um, instead of, instead of starting really wide, I think it sometimes starts really small and then the more interested you get sort of the steeper.

The climb gets because you’re sort of having to drive the customer sort of uphill or, or it’s harder for them to get uphill to where they will meet you at is at the summit of that interaction. And at, after sometime customers will, some customers will fall off and then it starts to go downhill a little bit.

So that’s a different way of just imagining what a customer journey. Is, but let’s talk about what we call the top of the funnel or the, the beginning of a journey. And one of my favorite things to, to talk about is how YouTube can be really helpful in that, in those early questions when someone is just imagining that they have some sort of issue and they might Google something and then they might end up on YouTube.

But I often call these shell. I often call these the wrong questions because often when we’re starting to learn any topic, we have the wrong question. Like someone like it’s, it’s really when someone first meets you and they say, well, what do you do? Well, I help businesses with their YouTube channels or make sales on YouTube.

They might say, great, well, how do I, you know, get more views or, Get more subscribers or you know, they used to say, how do I go viral? Or something like that. And those are interesting questions, but we might say as professionals, because that’s what we do, we might say, well, getting views is not necessarily what you want.

You want to get the right views or what does your goal from views, do you, do you get that idea of, of the wrong questions that, that we sort of start off in any field.

Shelly Saves The Day:
Yeah, I see that a lot and it is a lot of, and that’s I think what the companies and businesses and providers really help to. I like to call it Bumper Lane, and they’re just throwing balls down a lane and they’re trying to get strikes, but they haven’t really realized.

You know, like why or when or how you would hold a ball or why you might move two little arrows over, or why it’s not always best to just throw it as hard as you can down the line. And then what happens if it like, ends up splitting exactly what you don’t want at the end. So I feel like there’s a lot of, um, similarities between that.

Dane Golden:
So let’s talk about some things that, that someone might be asking sort of in any, in any field. There’s many, you know, if you ever took junior high school journalism, there’s who, what, where, when, why? And a few other question words like,

Shelly Saves The Day:
I like to add, like, why now?

Dane Golden:

Shelly Saves The Day:
Like how many, how come? Right? And like once you have all those questions answered, it comes a lot easier.

And if you just, if you go to Google Trends and you look at just the word just, just in Google Trends,, and you compare the words. What and how to, okay, in one column you have what and the other you have call how to on Google you’ll see that the what is much higher, the trend line of just that word is much higher and how to is much lower.

But if you toggle that, that feature in Google Trends to say just YouTube search, you’ll. How to is actually much higher. And that doesn’t mean that you need to put how to in every title or it’s, it’s basically what I believe it shows is that people who are on YouTube want to learn, uh, methods and people who are on Google tend to want to learn more facts, hard things.

There’s a, you know, What is an elephant? An elephant at this, but we on YouTube, we want to know more how a elephant lives or how to ride an elephant or how to wash an elephant, or whatever it is. Does that make any sense? What do you think of that? That’s my theory.

You know, I haven’t really thought about it that way, but I can definitely see that.

And I think it also pertains to a little bit of the entertainment factor that we want. Sometimes even when we want factual information, we still want to be entertained. So even if I want to learn about elephants, I definitely want to see some elephants taking a bath in the river. Like that’s going to be entertaining to me.

Dane Golden:
So my theory is that a lot of the time we sort of toggle back between these what and and how to questions oftentimes. At the beginning of the very beginning of the search, somebody says, Hey, you need to get more YouTube views. And I’m like, okay, but what really is a YouTube view? So I might Google what really is a YouTube view, and then someone says, well, it just means that if people have watched for a certain amount or if it’s an ad they’ve watched for 30 seconds, and then you, then you, in your head you might say, okay, great, how do I get more YouTube views?

Now we’re talking process. Well, okay, if you get more views, you have to have audience retention. Now you’re back to what? What is audience retention? How do I get more audience retention once you found out what it is? So it’s this toggling back and forth. And I think some platforms are more aligned, like a Google is very aligned with tactical what questions, and that’s why you see a lot more what’s.

Types of answers on the Google homepage, whereas when you are on YouTube, you see a lot more hows and how-tos. But let’s, um, so, so we see that on YouTube that that sort of beginning top of funnel, someone has a problem, they want to find a solution, but now they’ve found you Shelly. They found Shelly Saves The Day and Shelly Saves The Day has showed them about how with her ContentMinis. Uh, plan how to change your long form live streams into shorts or whatever. And then they say, wow, Shelly really knows what I’m talking about. And they subscribe to you on YouTube, but what else do they do? Shelly?

Shelly Saves The Day:
What else do they usually tend to watch more and more?

Because we know that to build that no, like and trust factor for someone or business to sell. They have to see multiple touches and have multiple interactions so that they can believe that you’re an authoritative figure, that you know what you’re speaking about, that you have competency, so that they can then feel confident if they ever do decide to open their wallets.

Dane Golden:
And I imagine, you know, you’re like a lot of other people, um, or like me when, hey, I’m into Shelly, Saves, The, Day, whatever she says is great. How can I get more of her? There’s links in the description or I can just go over to my other social platforms. What are some of the things people might do next?

Shelly Saves The Day:
Oh, besides binge your content. Mm-hmm. They may follow you on other social medias. They may try and DM you or email you. They may try and reach out to you, you know, on like Twitter and follow. And then, you know, a lot of the times people will do their research. They may find you on LinkedIn. They’re going to go through the history of like your tweets, your replies, your likes, and your activity on LinkedIn and be like, am I getting a full picture of this person. Is this someone that I jive with? Is this someone whose values seem to be aligned? Because I have seen it in the past where someone might be like, Hey, this seems like a really cool product. And then you go follow the person, and then you’re like, oh, they are, they are not who I thought they were at all.

And they’re like, I am not going to be doing business with them because I feel like a lot of us. It’s not just about the money or the convenience or the time bridge. It is also about you want to feel good about where you spend your money.

Dane Golden:
Yeah. We, we, um, and Tim Schmoyer says this a lot that we, and, um, of course this is in, uh, now I’ve forgotten the Patrick Hanlon name of the book.

Uh uh. But, um, we want to do, we want to work with people who believe what we believe shared values, creed. Um, we want to feel aligned with them mm-hmm. And, and feel like we’re somehow on a shared mission, even if, even if we never meet that person. Um, so, so great. You’re trying to get a vibe for that person or that, that group of people, that company.

What, where are you in the funnel? Where are you in the customer journey now that you’ve seen some YouTube videos and now you’re hanging out with them on Instagram or LinkedIn or TikTok, Facebook? What do you, where are you in the that phase?

Shelly Saves The Day:
Well, you’ve been attracted to them. Hopefully they’re like trying to retain you and get those multiple touches.

You’re very close to the Closing, and I think this is interesting because when you are a service and a. You forget like a lot of the time people have seen you multiple times and. But you’re also afraid that they haven’t. And so there’s this mix of how much of my own content should be about attracting new people or retaining the people I have.

How much would be hard closing, so there could be like a a 70/30 rule. You talk about your offers, you talk about other things, and then you finally do a hard close at some point and be like, Hey, if you’ve been getting value, Maybe you put some time box and urgency around it. I’ve got, you know, only two spots left for my service.

Or I have this thing and it’s going up in price at the end of the year. Or, you know, you create that kind of urgency and FOMO so that someone who might have been teeter tottering on that edge will then hopefully feel enough in alignment with you to be like, okay, this is the time. Like I just needed that little external push and validation.

I’m going to go ahead now and go into the closing and into the purchase.

Dane Golden:
Okay. And now to go deeper into that, what kinds of videos might you make? Um, what length are they, what shape are they? What do they say?

Shelly Saves The Day:
Well, as opposed to on the opposite end of the spectrum, which is really going to be like YouTube shorts, which is that blast from the fire hydrant, it’s just exposure.

It’s just like fast and furious. It’s going to be sometimes, maybe, Longer it’s, it’s maybe not just the five minute how to something. It’s going to be maybe an hour long live stream. Maybe it’s going to be a podcast episode, maybe it’s going to be a webinar that you’ve invited them to. So I feel like the, the closer they are sometimes to purchasing from you, the longer that they’re willing to sometimes listen because they’re either waiting for something to convince them or something to.

Make them disinterested, because I think a lot of people are looking for that like little thing all of a sudden that goes off and you’re like, whoa, I don’t align with that. And they also try and leave.

Dane Golden:
Well, so what I try, so I, uh, there’s a few things there. One of them, as far as YouTube shorts versus Longs, I sort of see the YouTube short as, or at least I’ve been approaching it this way as the what question, even though that’s somewhat limited.

But I don’t do a full tutorial with YouTube short. I just say, I just do a definition because there’s so many curious things in YouTube. I just say this is what a YouTube view is. It’s a few seconds on a video and it’s 30 seconds on a YouTube app and that’s all I say, you know, or something like that. And maybe that’s 10 seconds long, but that is actually does really well as a YouTube short and those types of things.

Like what is a YouTube playlist? People sort of get interested in me and then now they’ll see me more in their feed, they’ll see my longs, et cetera. But that same video, those, those, you know, vertical videos or maybe on Facebook at Square or you said that even some of your clients on LinkedIn, we’ll just do the regular 16 by nine, sort of like the normal standard YouTube shape.

Mm-hmm. What are, what are. What are we actually saying in that period? Let, let’s presume that the customer journey, and it doesn’t have to start there, it can start almost anywhere, but let’s say it started on a YouTube. Now they’re in, in social media land just hanging out and maybe they don’t have an urgency, but they just are following what you’re saying.

What, um, what do we say that’s sort of, uh, in that, in between? Connection period. Are we just sharing, you know, what we want to sell or are we, are we celebrating the other people? Are we trying to engage in conversation? What, what do we really, what’s a goal on social media? I mean, I guess it’s pretty broad.

Shelly Saves The Day:
All the above. Yeah. I mean, there could be, I mean, that is the whole beauty of social media and people don’t even realize, or sometimes they know they’re being taken for a ride, but they’re enjoying the process at the same time. So it is the, um, There’s that feeling of like, oh, I want to follow along with this person, and oh wow, now they’re posting testimonials.

Maybe they are kind of like a big deal, or maybe they’re kind of legit and oh gosh, look at all these other things that are happening, and wow, now they’re posting how they’re traveling the world and they’re doing it all from their laptop because of all this money that they’re making. And you start to feel this sense of like, oh, this is really what their life is like.

Let me go ahead. Like you have no idea technically what’s going on behind the scenes, but we build the story in our minds for anyone that we watch on social media, like, oh, I’ve seen them on Instagram. They seem parallel and kind of incongruence with what I see on YouTube and what I see, you know, on TikTok or whatever else.

And they’re like, you get enough of these puzzle pieces into the same type of periphery for this person, and they start to build their own story about why they. Be following. You want to emulate you have you help them achieve that goal. And so even when you’re making posts, like if you’re feeling like this and you’re nodding along, right, they’re like drawing you in.

It’s part of that nurture sequence. And then they say something like, wow, this person was so frustrated with their life until they found me. And here’s a success story. And then you’re like, okay, I’m seeing myself as a success story. And they’re like, and I have room right now to work with one more person.

If you think that’s you, all of a sudden you’re like, oh my gosh, it is. And now it’s become like, oh, I was thinking about this. And now it’s, oh, I really like her and I want to wa work with her. And now it’s, oh my gosh, this could be me. I would be so lucky if, if they chose to work with me. So it’s, it’s a whole thing.

Dane Golden:
And, and, and you said the word nurture sequence. And I think that that is a phrase that has some magic in it. It’s not, not just a buzzword, it really means something. And I’d like you to explain that, but also explain how. You might do it in video as opposed to not video. What, what is, what makes video different when you’re nurturing?

Shelly Saves The Day:
You know, a lot of the time it’s, it’s so illustrative of what you can and can’t do, especially if you have a product or a service or you’re looking to showcase, um, success stories. What does, what does nurturing mean? Right. So it means, it, it takes them from the attraction into the phase into purchasing.

So if I were doing a software um, company, all of a sudden I would start showing people the cool things that people are doing with the software that I create. And it’s also then going to be like, and here’s now a tutorial on what my software can do. And then it. Here’s this feature that is going to blow your mind, and then maybe it’s a freemium where it’s like, you can try all of this stuff for free, but you won’t have access to this thing, which is, you know, one of the things that’s like super important.

And then all of a sudden you’ve got this feeling of like, but I need this thing to help me and my business be better. And then it’s like, Hey, if you want to get this thing, you can do a 30 day risk free trial. And then you’re like, wow. Oh, that thing that I need, that is going to help me be more successful, I can get a deal on it.

And people love a deal. So whether that’s a Black Friday deal or a new year new price deal, or a limited time only type of deal, people will do it because they believe if they’ve watched you enough and gone through the, you know, the demonstration of what it is that you’re going to do for. They will purchase it.

Dane Golden:
Okay. So just to recap, so far we’ve talked about, we’ve, we’re presuming in this example that somewhere on YouTube is sort of top of funnel, the beginning of a customer journey. But a customer journey can start really at any point. And it’s not prescriptive. It’s not what the person who has a product decides what it is.

It’s really just whatever way someone comes through. You know, either on purpose or accident. So, but we, we are suggesting that it started on YouTube. They got interested and they watched some shorts. They watched some longs. They got interested in Shelly, they looked in her description, found some links.

They’ve been checking her out on other socials, uh, watching some videos. And it’s course, it’s mixed media. But, uh, there’s, you know, video tutorials. But nurturing or bringing the customer along and engaging with them, essentially, you might call it, um, it might be another word for networking. Mm-hmm. Because once you meet someone in the real world, you stay in contact, Hey, what’s going on with you?

And maybe some business comes out of it. But there’s other ways of, of taking someone down the nurture path. So they might, they might originally come to your website just by Googling, or they might have gone from your YouTube channel to a website, and that website itself has some embedded videos or other things you can sign up for like that webinar to teach you more.

But one of the other major things that can happen, Uh, this funnel is getting someone on email and it’s in the end, it’s almost impossible to do business with anyone these days until at some point your email goes into their hands. Would you agree with that? Shelly? Would you agree with that concept?

Shelly Saves The Day:
Yeah, I, I would.

Dane Golden:
So until, until someone gives you their email, there really will be no business. There’s a lot of ways to make that happen, and one of them is what they call lead magnets or downloads where you Exchange your email for some sort of, something of value that the website has provided. It might be a, you know, a free masterclass or a webinar or something that tells you about them, or it, it might be some sort of download, like a cheat sheet or something like that.

Outline. Usually you now are on their email list, which you can always unsubscribe from. But what we do in the email list is we build, as many people do. We build a nurture sequence, meaning it starts you at a certain point and takes you to another point. And the idea is, is that through the emails you can continue to contact them and now you sort of, as opposed to YouTube, you sort of own.

That part of the funnel, you own your contact, whereas all these other platforms that’s rented land, that’s somebody else’s platform. Um, do you, do you guys ever, do you ever receive emails that have links to videos in them and have you seen anything that other people do? Shelly?

Shelly Saves The Day:
I’ve definitely seen emails that have links to videos, and I feel like some people will use their email list in terms of enticement in a couple of different ways as well.

One could. To drive early engagement to a YouTube video. Maybe it’s unlisted and it’s only available for people on your email list. And it’s all of a sudden this like insider perk. And a lot of people actually like to do this so that when it becomes public, it looks like there’s already some view velocity on it, which is kind of fun.

And I’ve also seen people do that for, um, advertising. Mm-hmm. And, and then they would go to a brand and mean, look at all of this extra traffic that, you know, my video’s got when it first went live talking about your product. Don’t you want to work with me for. And, um, I thought that was an interesting way to do it.

But also, um, weekly recaps. You know, a lot of the time we, um, we, we like to think that people have caught every single one of our videos, but it’s not always the case that they have. And so it’s also a way to boost views after a video’s been released. So you can say, You know, this is a topic that was near and dear to my heart this week, and we were talking about, ooh, creator burnout, or, oh, how to fix this problem with this, um, software.

And if you’ve run into this same thing or you know, you’ve definitely, you have to check out this video and there can be a secondary surge in boost in views that happen from. This source. So that’s another way to do it, which is kind of fun. And if you want, you can also then run it as like a recap or embed it into a blog and be like, let me give it to you in a digestible format here, even if you don’t want to watch the video, and you could be driving traffic to your own website for something like that.

So definitely lots of different ways.

Dane Golden:
And, and, and you can, you know, call attention to videos that are, you know, have been published a long time ago. Yes. What we like to do is we like to have a, a series, sort of an opening series where at least the first 14 emails and, and it depends if you’ve really signed up for something that you want now or you’ve just signed up.

If you’ve signed up just for one thing and you’re on email list, we sort of like a once a week type of thing just to remind you, here’s the tip, here’s something you can do, and what do we do in. Emails. We like to spin out a lot of the tutorials that we’ve done or that clients have done in the video, but we spill, spill them out into essentially blog posts that are within the email.

And then we actually, we don’t quite embed the video because you can’t embed a video in an email, but you can embed a thumb nail. And so we take the thumbnail and we actually overlay that with a play button so that if they, they, you know, it sort of goes along even though you’re not actually playing the video by clicking it, you’re playing, you’re going to that page.

But we overlay a red play button onto that image. So, uh, it sort of celebrates their videos and celebrates the content and it, you know, reuses the value. You’ve already. And if you front load that with sort of the basic things that everyone wants to know, now you have a real sequence of, of value that you’re giving people and they really appreciate that and they can always leave.

But sometimes businesses have a super long sales cycle. So if you’re buying a house or buying some, you know, B2B software, Maybe 18 months from the time you ask for something to the time you’re ready to buy. And how do you keep in contact? Mm-hmm. With that, with that person. So, um, let’s say Shelly, they’re a customer now.

Okay. Now, now that they’re a customer, there’s a lot of things that actually be video, right? I mean there’s…

Shelly Saves The Day:

Dane Golden:
I mean, one support docs, right?

Shelly Saves The Day:

Dane Golden:
So if you have a product or a service, there’s so many ways to sort of onboard someone with some videos and just saved, you know, huge amount of time with customer service by just saying, here’s a video, how to do it. Uh, that really doesn’t get as much credit. Does it?

Shelly Saves The Day:
It really doesn’t. They are sometimes the unsung hero and that in the help library, because when you think about all of the most common questions that people have, there’s a reason that they call them FAQs, these frequently asked questions. The best thing that you can sometimes do is instead of having, I mean having both, but having the video, having the document, having like a walkthrough with screenshots, having built-in gifts, gifs, whatever camp you’re in of, what button to push and where and when, and why you would do.

All of those things are so important because we’re trying to reduce churn and customer frustration after they’ve given you money. So it’s such an important piece of the whole, like we spend all of this time in that 70% trying to attract and get them that we don’t always take care of them. And I think we always know that it costs so much more money to attract, nurture, and gain new clients than it does to keep the ones that you have satisfy that customer cost acquisition. I mean, we are just shooting ourselves in the foot if we don’t take care of them after they have given us money.

Dane Golden:
Okay. Now I’m going to ask you a question that I really have no idea what you’re going to say. Oh boy. But I have a theory. Okay. Here’s my theory. You tell me if you agree with it or not.

Okay? My theory is, is having a good YouTube channel. And good videos on social media and so forth actually is a way, not just of bringing in the new customers from the beginning, but it’s actually a great way of keeping the customers who are already signed on, they’re already here, and it’s a way of retaining your customers because you are active.

You’re continuing to drive value. You’re continuing to be in their YouTube feed and their social feed, and they’re like, yeah, that’s the team I’m on. Like, it’s sort of like if you went to a big college and you know, you, you have graduated, but now you’re cheering for the football team years after you’ve, you’ve gone there. And I feel it’s sort of similar. You’re still on the team. What do you think of that?

Shelly Saves The Day:
Absolutely. Oh my gosh. Completely. Because as a new customer also, or a, an aspiring one, if you go and you look at their help and support, and the last time that it had been updated was like a decade ago, like that does not instill confidence in this product or service that you are going to be taken seriously, that your issues aren’t going to be solved.

I mean, you’re like, I see all kinds of times when they have an active community, a forum. You know, help articles that have been updated and when they say like, updated in the last week, updated in the last 24 hours, anything like that, you know, that that is a very active and communicative company and that’s what you want to be around.

Or ones where you see like, um, where they have the open roadmap of products that are coming in, the newest launches of that software. Like what’s on the roadmap, what’s coming up, what kind of feedback are people voting on it? That kind of stuff instills confidence, not only in people who have already purchased it, maybe they were early birds, maybe they got on an AppSumo deal, who knows.

But people who are actually from the outside as well, looking at it, be like, wow, these developers keep asking questions. They keep coming up with new features. Like, this is a, a company that I feel confident in using.

Dane Golden:
Right, but, and, and also, Uh, you know, you’ve, let’s say you’ve even paid for a course or you’re now part of a membership where you get exclusive content, but you still are spending time on YouTube and these other social media, so you actually are sort of still excited to see maybe even more so of a membership you’re already paying for.

Mm. Okay, so the funnel, the customer journey now still continues. It’s not over because you have current customers, but a lot of customers, what do they, what do they do? They actually are influencers themselves or they have their own YouTube channel, or they just have friends. What can they do? They can recommend you to other customers and they might be, you might call them affiliates or partners or whatever, but they actually can make their own videos about the success that they’re having, right?

Shelly Saves The Day:

Dane Golden:
So tell us a little bit more about, you’ve gone through this whole journey. You’ve started from a YouTube short, you’ve gone to a YouTube video, you’ve gone to social media, you’ve gone to webinars, now you’ve gone to help docs, now you’re a customer. Mm-hmm. Now you’re an affiliate and all those, there’s video all along the way.

Now, what can a company or maybe a coach do with video to help the affiliates make their own videos?

Shelly Saves The Day:
Well, one of the things, if you think about it, sometimes your best salespeople are the people who don’t work for the company. They’re people who bought the program themselves. They’re using it. It has enriched and changed their lives, and they’re sharing with other people how that’s.

Affected them and helped them. You can’t like put a price necessarily on the good will of other people demonstrating how to best utilize your product, because they’re always going to be more trusted than someone who has that same company in as part of their email, you know? So it’s like, oh wow. Like Dane really loves the software, I’m going to trust him probably over the person who works at that same company because, you know, that’s, that’s their job. And so, um, so they’re like, if Dane’s going to make a video about it, he must really, really love it. So if you can tap into those people’s good experiences and reward them financially, fiscally, uh, for that and sharing it, it also, it just is this cyclical relationship where it’s beneficial to both.

Because why wouldn’t you if they bring you new customer? Why wouldn’t you want to reward those people? So I’m just absolutely.

Dane Golden:
And I’m just starting to see this more too. Uh, this has been around for a while, but it’s still, somehow it’s not used as much as it should be, and that is the one-to-one personal video of business to customer.

The asynchronous meaning not at the same time, it’s not a zoom. It’s a video message, essentially, and there’s a few platforms that are dedicated to this. Mm-hmm. Um, I’m not seeing this so much. I’m, you see it a little bit in the sales, but not so much in the sort of just communicating with your customers type of thing.

Shelly Saves The Day:
Mm-hmm. And that is going to be something that I kind of, um, include in that after dazzle section. Mm-hmm. Because those are the things that are unexpected that really make you take notice of when a company seems to go above and beyond. Because it’s one thing where you say yes to a company, you get their, you know, you get the money, and maybe the next time you see them is maybe when you get an email saying, oh, you’re up for renewal.

If it’s some sort of, um, annual subscription. Other than that though, imagine if you just bought a house, you know, You would probably expect your real estate agent to maybe get you a bottle of champagne and stick it in the fridge from when you go to your new house when they give you the keys. Okay? But you probably wouldn’t expect them to remember your birthday and your one year anniversary of you owning the picture of the home, along with a photo of you standing in front of it when you were first holding it with the keys, saying congratulations.

I hope you still love your home. Happy Anniversary. That’s that “After Dazzle.” We were like, I was not expecting that. I was not thinking that they were going to do that. And that’s the thing that solidifies and cements you in their head as when they go to sell that house or when someone else is talking about, oh, do you know any real estate, you know, agents that could help me buy a home.

It’s that. So if someone buys. Stickers from me. I put them as part, I could put them in just a white envelope. I choose to put them in a purple envelope because that’s my branded colors. I choose to do a custom branded sticker and put it on the, on the clothes, like a little seal. I do like a little extra, you know, sticker inside that has like my logo on it in case they want to put it on a water cup, whatever else it is.

And a handwritten note that says, thank you so much for your purchase, I appreciate. Those are not necessarily things that you might always expect from someone buying something that’s, um, $2 and 50 cents, but those things like will make you stand out in the customer mind.

Dane Golden:
Okay, so I’m a, I’m a loyal Shelly, Saves, The, Day fan.

I’m a customer now. Shelly says to me, We’d like to ask you to do a video testimonial. Mm-hmm. And we’re going to put it on our way. If it’s okay with you, Dane, we’re going to put it on our website and we want to use it in one of our ads. And I’m like, Shelly, you have done so much great stuff for me with your content minis.

I would really love to be part of your ad. So now it’s come full circle because. You’ve gone all the way through. Now you have these satisfied customers in a testimonial, and they can be the stars where you’re sort of celebrating them and their stories within your, let’s say it’s a YouTube, a Dane. Golden had such a great time and he was so pleased with the work that Shelly did, and she’s so helpful and smart.

Now I’m part of your ad. Now we advertise on other videos on YouTube, and the whole thing starts again.

Shelly Saves The Day:
Starts again, right? Because this is the attraction. Building your credibility for other people by using the leverage of other people. Absolutely. It’s the whole cyclical cycle.

Dane Golden:
So we’ve, I, I think we’ve really, um, we’ve really shown how video can be so important all along.

Now we emphasize a lot of YouTube here, but it’s across all platforms. It’s not just, um, social, but it’s also things that are embedded into your blogs, testimonials, ads. Email.

Shelly Saves The Day:
This could be everything. I mean, your email, you could send a a quick little loom video with a thank you. Mm-hmm. If you’re an Instagram DMR or anything like that, you could record a little message and just send it to them in the messenger.

I mean, all of that stuff, like when is the last time you were expecting someone that you bought something from to show up in your dms? Just to say, I hope you’re having a great day. If you have any questions, you let me know that. Is that after dazzle?

Dane Golden:
Yeah, it’s amazing. So, uh, let’s, uh, let’s, uh, conclude there. And Shelly Saves The Day, how can people find you? Till next week?

Shelly Saves The Day:
You can come hang out with me on YouTube under Shelly Saves The Day.

Dane Golden:
And my name’s Dane Golden from VidActionTV. You can find me at If you want to make an appointment with me, go to TalkToDane.Today. And this is the video marketing podcast.

Find us wherever you do podcasts. And if you like us, give us a review. We’d love to hear from you. If you don’t like us, keep it to yourself. Until next week, here’s the helping you help your customers through video.
