VidCon Industry Track Vlog – Day 0

VidCon Industry Track Vlog - Day 0

Last updated on June 14th, 2024


You can see here at VidCon that there’s a lot of action going on, already night before. A lot of things going on and this is just the outdoor place by the fountain and there’s lots of food courts and there’s a… I don’t know if you can see, there’s a Ferris wheel there and all sorts of fun things. And this is what it’s like the day before.

Okay here we are at VidCon, just got here from the parking structure where I parked and you can see a map here. And this is the, this is the main convention center hall but it goes all the way out this way, a long way. And this is a brand new building here where they’re, where they’re putting the, the registration so I’m going to go on into the registration now. Registration down here? Here, you can see it’s really three conventions in one.

You going to registration? Yeah, thanks. So it’s really three conventions in one here. There’s lots of families and kids. Even though I’m focused on the industry portion of it it’s really three conventions in one. Where there’s a community portion, which is a lot of fans. And then there’s a creator portion, which is for people who are creating. And then industry, which is what I’m focused on. Okay, this is what the registration looks like. You can see there’s a lot of things here. Heres’ the Fatherly Parents’ Lounge. Here’s all different kinds of bags you can get. And programs. Here’s a program. I don’t get those bags ’cause I don’t want to look at anything that says candy. There’s the merchandise, over there. And I’m going to register. Please have your QR code. Industry? Down that way.

So all the way down here you can see there’s no line at almost 5:00 p.m. As you can see here it’s not a big line for the industry conference at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday night. Okay, so lots of security here at VidCon. You have to wear your RFID wristband, which is this. And you have to scan in when you come and when you go. Okay, well that’s different than last year. Last year it was just this thing here. Goes around your neck. So I’m ready. All sorts of stuff going on here. All sorts of… This is not even the first day, it’s already this crowded. This is inside the Hilton lounge where you’ll see a lot of people from various multi-channel networks and analytics companies and people who are sponsors. They’ll hang out and make deals or set up meetings during the week. So that’s what this is all about. This is what the industry reception looks like. This is a cool thing to go to. It starts at five the night before the event. But people will generally come and hang out and reconnect and have a drink, or not. And then some will go to other parties.

So what are the YouTube fundamentals? So Shawn is probably the second most inspiring story or success story on YouTube, the first–

Okay this is, okay I’ve got gum in my mouth, so don’t worry about that. This is the Tubefilter party at the K1 Speedway and they do this every year. Now, you might ask what is an old guy like me doing at a party like this? Well, this is the party. The is actually the adult party, even though I’m a little bit more adult than these folks, but this is where the fun is happening. And you can see down there. That’s the speedway and they have rides and people can take the cars around. But this is the adult drinking area and it’s fun. You get to see old friends, make some new ones. So this is one part of the Tubefilter party.
