How To Grow Your YouTube Channel Using TubeBuddy’s Retention Analyzer With Andrew Kan

TubeBuddy Retention Analyzer with Andrew Kan

Last updated on June 14th, 2024

The TubeBuddy Retention Analyzer helps you find out where viewers are dropping off your YouTube videos, so you can improve.


YouTube promotes videos that viewers watch the longest. But if you’re not tracking where viewers are abandoning your videos, you won’t be able to improve and get more views on the next videos.


  1. The TubeBuddy YouTube Retention Analyzer helps you find out where viewers are dropping off the videos, at the 10-second mark, as well as 0:30, 1:00, 1:30, 2:00, halfway and the end of the video, plus the endscreen.
  2. YouTube’s own Audience Retention graph only shows you one video at the time. But TubeBuddy’s Retention Analyzer shows your most popular videos and most recent videos.

You can get TubeBuddy here.

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