How To Choose Great YouTube Topics

Last updated on June 15th, 2024

Uploading videos to your YouTube business channel is the easy part. The hard part is choosing which topics to make videos about. We take a look at how you choose which topics will help your channel, and your customers, the most.

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HOSTS: The VidAction Podcast is hosted by:
– Dane Golden of | LinkedIn | Twitter | YouTube
– Gwen Miller LinkedIn | Twitter
– Shelly Saves The Day | YouTube

SPONSORS: This episode is brought to you by our affiliate partners, including: TubeBuddy, VidIQ, MorningFame,, and other products and services we recommend.

PRODUCER: Jason Perrier of Phizzy Studios

Shelly Saves The Day:

“You could even go to a site, like Answer the Public. You can even use it for your topic and title. You can use it for video titles. You can use it for like, basically really honing in on, which are the most popular, and which ones do you feel comfortable answering right away without having to think about. Those are really easy videos to make.”

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