Help Brands Create Video Content That Can Be Discovered – With ‘U Do It’

U Do It - Discoverable Videos For Brands

Last updated on June 14th, 2024

I was interviewed on the “U Do It” YouTube channel with John DiStefano. Here’s the transcript:

John DiStefano:
Hey, this is John with U Do It. I’m here with this awesome dude man. Dane, Dane Golden. He’s going to tell you all about his channel; what he does. His whole philosophy about helping other people. He helps a lot of companies in social media. Trying to grow their presence, grow their brand awareness. Tell them some of the tips that you give people. Tell them how to reach you. And we’ll take it from there.

Dane Golden:
What’s up, oh great, oh hey. Dane Golden, is a company. I focus on helping brands with content marketing, but video content marketing. So you put content marketing and video together, you get video content marketing. So what I’m going for here is, I’m trying to help brands get customers, not just viewers or audience, customers coming back to their videos again and again.

But how do you, the brand, the business, do this? Well you give people what they want. And what they want they demonstrated by searching on it right? YouTube is a very searchable video platform, and your customers are searching on it everyday. Are they finding you for the questions that they want to ask?

Think about it, what would they be searching on if they didn’t know your business existed. They’d be searching on how to solve a specific problem. And if you can create an answer for that, you are part way there because you’ve done something helpful. You’ve given away your expertise.

They don’t need to know what you know. You can even tell them everything you know; they’ll still want to pay you for it. And why is that? Because even if you tell them everything you know, they don’t want to take the risk of doing it wrong because that can create an expensive mistake.

So the right customer will want to see you demonstrate it, and then they will know you know how to do it. They’ll ask you to do it and will pay you. You’ll do a good job and they’ll keep searching for things, and other people will want to do it too.

John DiStefano:
So for me as a creator, I create a lot of DIY content, I don’t have a business. How can I use your content to help me improve my reach to people I who don’t know I can reach yet? Because when I make content, it’s really to help somebody. And that’s what businesses do. Businesses have a solution for somebody’s problem. So me as a maker, I want my things discovered. So how can I use your content?

Dane Golden:
Yeah, the principles are the same because if you are a consumer searching for something, or just someone searching for to live their lives better, or make something, you search in the same way as a business person does.

Generally you start on Google. You don’t start on YouTube. You start on Google. Then maybe you see one video and you click on that, and then you’re on You Tube and maybe you don’t even like that video because most video does not come from search, not from Google on YouTube. It comes from…oh it’s on this side from your orientation. It’s on this side. Those suggested videos on the right hand side, and on mobile it’s on the bottom. That’s where most traffic comes from and you want to make something that’s searchable regardless if you’re a business or a creator. You want to make something searchable.

John DiStefano:
That’s right. So we’re at VidSummit. So VidSummit is this awesome event that’s held by Derral Eves. Yep, here we got em. So, what’s your take away from this? I mean you’re a power house right, so you do a lot of stuff. People look to you because you’re an influencer, but you sit in people’s sessions, and that’s what Derral was saying. That he loved that other influencers, other people, were sitting in other people’s sessions to learn. So what’s your take away?

Dane Golden:
Well, I’ve attended every VidSummit; that’s five. I don’t know if I get like different tattoos or something for each one, but it starts from Derral Eves, the guy who runs it. He has fostered within this community of video creators and business people, more than anyone, a sharing of information and mutual support. So that’s baseline; he has done that and that is demonstrated here and throughout other conferences, but Derral’s one of the leaders that has created this type of attitude. Share what you know with others who may be your competitors. So it starts with that, I believe, and that’s why this event is so helpful.

But on top of that, Derral, this isn’t really so much as a creator fanboy conference. You’re not going to go, whoa my God I meet. And you do meet these famous creators, but you get their practical tips. And that’s why I get so much value out of it because you get these practical tips that you might get on their video if you watch it enough, but if they just say it… sometimes they say them by accident. And I’m taking notes and what, wait, what. He’s never said that before.

John DiStefano:
Right, right.

Dane Golden:
I’ve seen every video he’s ever made. And that’s what Derral Eves did today. He told us something he’d never told us before. But even more than that, I just have fun. And it’s the camaraderie; it’s the camaraderie. I’ve seen you at other conferences.

John DiStefano:
Yeah, that’s right.

Dane Golden:
And you have fun and in the midst of that fun there may like one tip that someone says, just offhandedly that their doing all the time that you never knew about. And even if they have your channel and mine, even though we both help people, very different products.

John DiStefano:

Dane Golden:
But you may get just this one tip and that can change your whole business perspective, and really improve your business and sometimes improve your life.

John DiStefano:
So we, each person here, diverse background. They could both be the same thing, doing the same job, different places on earth, but their journey to get there was different. So they may come with different expertise that can help you. So when you just engage in a conversation with somebody you learn so much about that person, and then they just divulge information willingly, and it’s like wow, mind blown. Dane Golden: Yes, and so much in the lobby. We’re just hanging out in the lobby here. Conference is over, no ones leaving. We’re all talking and sharing ideas late into the night. Um, it’s not really like a big party conference. We’re not all partying here. We’re just all talking and so enthusiastic to share what we know and talk with the leaders in our industry and find out what they know. And they give it away willingly.

John DiStefano:

Dane Golden:
Isn’t that amazing? You ask someone a question and they answer it. And that’s what I try to do. I try to help people. People have questions and they type them in to YouTube or Google. I answer them. A lot is similar with you right?

John DiStefano:
That’s right. Yeah, so we connect on Twitter, we connect on LinkedIn. So look, you know my information, but we need to get Dane’s information. How do we find you Dane on social media?

Dane Golden:, visit my channel. I’ve been helping brands do this for a long time. Now I’ve gone back to the drawing board, and in building my channel from scratch, and I’ve appreciated your support, and I’d appreciate your support., just type, HEY won’t do it. You have to type on You Tube. I have a new podcast, which more in depth talks with leaders of the industry. And just visit me on or LinkedIn.

John DiStefano:
Alright, very good Dane. So great to talk to you brother. So hey everyone…

Dane Golden:
Thank you.

John DiStefano:
Thanks for watching this video. Peace and love everyone. Thank you Dane. That’s awesome man.

Dane Golden:
Thank you very much.

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