YouTube Script Writing

Last updated on June 19th, 2024

VidAction Podcast - Dane Golden and Gwen Miller

Dane and Gwen give you tips on how to write YouTube scripts for both lifestyle and business videos, and go through the different kinds of scripts you can write for different kinds of content.

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HOSTS: The VidAction Podcast is hosted by:
– Dane Golden of and | LinkedIn | Twitter | YouTube
– Gwen Miller  Hearst MagazinesLinkedIn | Twitter

SPONSORS: This episode is brought to you by our affiliate partners, including:, and other products and services we recommend.

PRODUCER: Jason Perrier of Phizzy Studios

Gwen Miller:

“Well, let’s start with what not to do. So for me, like my biggest no-no – and when you work with a lot of entertainment companies that may just be starting to play in the digital space – they want their logo to be the first thing that comes up, so that everyone knows it’s coming from them. And I’m always like that is the kiss of death.”

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