How to Fix Your YouTube Marketing Funnel – with Jamar Diggs

“Turning your YouTube channel into a lead generation activity can happen by just doing two strategic videos a month. You do not have to post every week. If you are being really strategic in the type of content that you post up there, just two videos a month will do the job.”
– Jamar Diggs


– Jamar Diggs, YouTube Consultant | Jamar’s “YouTube Strategy Sprint” | Jamar’s “Low Lift Club” | Tell Jamar you heard about him on the VidAction podcast with Dane Golden!

HOST: The VidAction Podcast is hosted by:
– Dane Golden, YouTube Consultant | LinkedIn | YouTube


Jamar Diggs:
Turning your YouTube channel into a lead generation activity can happen by just doing two strategic videos a month. You do not have to post every week. If you are being really strategic in the type of content that you post up there, just two videos a month will do the job.

Dane Golden:
It’s time for the VidAction podcast. My name is Dane Golden, and we’re here to help you understand video marketing, YouTube creators, the whole thing. I’ve got a special guest with me today, Jamar Diggs. He’s a YouTube strategist and YouTube consultant and does a lot of great things and I’ve asked him for some of his best tips. Jamar, welcome.

Jamar Diggs:
Thank you so much for having me. I’m really excited to be here.

Dane Golden:
Now, I saw this video you did. It was called, well, it wasn’t called this, but this is how I’m saying it. “Your YouTube marketing funnel is wrong. Here’s how to fix it.” Right? Because you said, you had it very positive, like, this is how you do… but really, what you did in this video is you said, here’s everything you’re doing wrong.

And that’s what we want to know, because a lot of us are doing it wrong, and you know what? I do similar stuff to you and I’m constantly making mistakes that I tell people not to make. So this will be informative to me and our listeners on how to do it right. Does that sound good?

Jamar Diggs:
Yes, that sounds awesome.

Dane Golden:
Okay. So we’re going to tell you about Jamar Diggs’ business at the end, but we have all the links to and so forth. Two G’s; in “Diggs”, and we’re going to tell you all about that right after he gives us our tips. So what is the first tip you need to know to fix your YouTube marketing funnel?

Jamar Diggs:
Yeah. So I think one of the first things that we have to understand is the intention behind YouTube for business owners. Like one of the things that I end up seeing whenever I’m working with, clients is that they are using creators as the blueprint, to their success. And there’s nothing wrong with creators at all, but it’s just that intentionality, that kind of goal that we have to have when we’re using YouTube for business, that, it makes things a little bit more gray.

And so whenever we’re thinking about using YouTube for business. We need to start thinking with the goal in mind. And so like, we don’t need to. We need to use YouTube to attract people, and to get them off of YouTube eventually. And so that really comes down to creating the right kind of content. And, it doesn’t always have to be like the vlogging, the get ready with me’s. It doesn’t have to be as extravagant as what, they may see other influencers do.

Dane Golden:
And so I’m hearing you saying is that when you work with a business who’s come into YouTube and saying, we want YouTube to help us sell more or drive more leads, or whatever it is. That’s not necessarily the same as someone who’s doing YouTube for entertainment to get AdSense revenue. You really have to structure it and think about it differently. It’s not just about views.

Jamar Diggs:
Exactly. And like, it’s one of my, like the most fun moments that I have in, planning strategy is because, we have to think about our ideal client, right? Who is our target audience and what are they actually going through when they’re searching for that thing. When they’re browsing on YouTube for particular things, what is going through their brains? What is something that they would actually click on to help them solve that problem? And so really, understanding the psychographics behind like the whole, your ideal client avatar is so important because, As we all know, like, YouTube is a search engine, YouTube is the second largest search engine, and so one of the biggest, leg ups that we have is, using YouTube as a search engine. And so creating content that can be found in YouTube search, and then even, and even now, with how, YouTube is really trying to get smart, like, trying to get smaller channels, to get more views, to get more visibility. There’s this thing happening on the home feed, right? It’s like, I, call it like the year of the “For You,” where it’s like, YouTube is… Well, if you search for anything, right, YouTube will serve you five, 10 other things that, that they think that you may like, and that’s what we want to happen for our content, but our videos have to be optimized enough. They have to be hitting the, I don’t want to say hitting the keywords correctly, but like we have to be thinking about what people are searching for and what relates to those queries.

Dane Golden:
So want to unpack some of what you said. First of all, one of the phrases you used is “your avatar,” and we’ve talked about this on this podcast before, but just to, my, my analysis of an avatar is you’re either your ideal viewer or your ideal customer, and then I want to ask you about that, but also you’re saying YouTube people are searching for specific things, what is, what’s a video you can create that sort of answers that question? But then even before you search, because YouTube has figured out who you are as a viewer, your actual search question is coming up before you even hit that search because they know the kinds of things you’re looking for. So that’s showing up on that homepage even before you click, even before you’ve subscribed or found that channel. So how do we rank there? But I wanted to ask specifically how you would define either a YouTube viewer, avatar, subscriber, customer, and maybe how that, for a marketer, they might call it “buyer persona,” how is, how do you define those things?

Jamar Diggs:
Yeah. So I make it, I have, learned while I have been helping business owners with YouTube that simple is the solution here. And so I like to keep it really simple. I, like my ideal view viewer is also going to be my ideal client. I, and so I’m speaking to that one person. right. And with that, I actually like, don’t have my clients focus on getting subscribers or getting like, focusing on like who’s likely to subscribe or who’s likely to view. It’s like, if you’re talking to your ideal, client, then we’re trying to attract those people. And we know them like the back of their, like the back of our hands. And so we know what they’re going through and what part of the stages that they are in.

And so, the way that we craft that, that content strategy is to hit on those different stages of awareness that they may be in. And so when we’re talking about just one person, that becomes very easy. And so I kind of, I know that, there’s, you know, there’s different types of like ways to, position your avatar, your buyer persona and stuff, but I have found it very successful with translating it to, like, my clients is just, let’s just talk to the person who you want to give us money, eventually.

Dane Golden:
And that’s a great, that’s a great idea. So they may not all eventually give you money, but if you focus on going after someone who is like people you’re doing business with already, that gives you something to target. Is that sort of what you’re saying?

Jamar Diggs:
Yes. and what ends up happening is like, like that ideal viewer, that person that decides to stick around, they become like your ideal viewer, right? Like they, they, the end of the day, Marketing is to attract and repel people. and so, with your content, you are attracting like in, in your mind, you are attracting that ideal client, the person that you want to buy your offers, to talk, to say great things about you behind like your back.

Right. And with. And with that, like, you’re going to have some people who just stick around and are just benefiting from the value that you give, right? But that doesn’t mean that they’re not valuable.

Dane Golden:
I love two of the things you said. One was, hey, we’re not going for views and subscribers and that will blow some people’s mind.

Jamar Diggs:

Dane Golden:
That will blow some people’s mind. And then furthermore, you went even further and said, we’re actually marketing is sort of about repelling some people. And that’s also true.

And it doesn’t seem right because everyone’s my customer. I’ll take all the views. want millions and millions of views, and I tell people, listen, I can get you a million views by tomorrow, as long as you don’t care what country they are, if they’re the right age, right interest group, I can get them all for you by tomorrow.

Just give me $10,000, we’ll do it. Because that’s how much a view, each view is a penny, a million views, that makes it $10,000. And none of those are going to be customers. You okay with that? No, I’d rather have the 100, 200 people that actually would rather do business with me. What do I care about these other views?

I’m not trying to be famous. I’m trying to run a business.

Jamar Diggs:
Yeah. And that’s one of the biggest perspective-shifting things I have to do with clients, but it’s for the better, right? I’ve had so many clients that have decided, and this may be a hot take, so I’m very sorry if like I ruffle some feathers. But like I’ve had clients say, I’ve had clients like, you know, double down on YouTube shorts. And they’re just, and they keep on doing it because they get tons of views.

And when I asked them, I said, great, because, you know, on the backend, we also have certain conversion tracking, like set up for the website and stuff. And, well, at least for my one to one clients. And so when I’m talking to like this, like lead or this person that may be just in conversation, I ask them, say, cool.

So have. Has that translated into like anyone going into your funnel? And they’re like, you know, no.

And I’m like, okay. And then they, and then it’s like, they, end up walking themselves back and this is when they start saying, “Oh, well I’m doing it for visibility. I’m doing it for this.” And in my line, in my experience, in my line of work, business owners end up saying that just to like self-soothe themselves. Because really they want sales, really they want people into their funnels, right?

And so, they’re trying to figure out why the views are not equating to revenue or into, not even revenue sometimes. Just getting people into the funnel, right? Like, because they know once they, if they can get someone to download their lead magnet, their freebie, then their, nurture sequence will do its job, right?

But they’re not, but they’re not able to get that. And so, I really have to shift their perspectives and to get, to, getting them to understand that views is not the end all be all.

Dane Golden:
Okay. So that was number one, which, the video you called it manage YouTube expectations. And number two has to do with sort of what kind of content you’re doing. So, apparently a lot of people come in and they have the wrong idea of what they should be talking about, right?

Jamar Diggs:
Yes. So, what typically happens? What typically happens is that we, they end up doing a lot of transformation-based content. And what that typically is, well, I see this a lot with like business coaches or sales coaches because it works so well on Instagram, on Threads, on these other community-based platforms that they’re like, I helped get this person, you know, quantum leaping to six, seven figures in 30 days or something like that.

And, or it’s like, it’s very like, revenue driven, or it’s, you know, it’s the end goal in mind, right? It’s just, they focus so much on the transformation that they can help people with, but they don’t understand that people who are using YouTube, they cannot see that yet. They cannot see that yet. Right? And if they do-

Dane Golden:
They can’t envision it, you’re saying? They can’t quite envision it?

Jamar Diggs:
Well it’s, I, guess if you want to use YouTube in the strategic way that I’m talking about, that’s something, that type of video will probably come later, right? Once you’ve really built a solid foundation on, like, attracting problem-aware people, right, really, hone in on the, on what are some of the things that people are asking?

What are some of the things that are holding them back? And then like that transformation based content is more like a case study type of video in the future.

Dane Golden:
I feel the way, when II hear you say that, I feel that a lot of people, when they come to YouTube, they’re not necessarily following you, they don’t really know what you’ve done, they have a problem to solve. They came to YouTube because this is one of the big uses for YouTube, is solving a tactical problem.

Now, as experts, whoever, whatever someone listening is an expert in, whether it’s in food world, the beauty world, the tech world. When someone asks that first question. Question number one, we actually know what question number 20 is, because answered these questions. Because usually you start, sometimes I call them the wrong question, because even the wrong question sometimes is a good question, because it shows that you’re at the beginning of your interest in something.

Like with me and you, probably when people find out what we do a lot, they say, how can I get more views? And which we’ve already answered is technically the wrong question. The question is the right views. But that’s the same anytime we do anything outside our specialty. We go to a specialist, which happens to be on YouTube, whoever it is.

We ask a question. It’s the wrong question, but when they answer it, we understand where we need to go next. Is that aligned with what you’re saying or am I getting it wrong?

Jamar Diggs:
No, you’re right. You’re, spot on. I think that as a business owner, using YouTube to drive traffic to your business, your entire channel should be shifting their perspectives and getting them to be the ideal client that is ready to book a call with you. Right? And so in the perfect world, this type of strategy is making your sales conversations a lot easier, right?

Because you, because your content has already done that work of getting people to understand, Oh, okay, I have been thinking about YouTube the wrong way this, entire time. I need to focus up on getting the right views. I need to focus on getting the right kind of content. Oh my gosh, I just been posting how to videos on my channel and tutorials for like, for all this time.

And I’m wondering why no one wants to hire me for my services, like, okay, I’ve been doing the wrong things. And so when you book the call, you understand, like you are a better confident buyer because you know what you are going to get out of this service with this person a lot more clearer than what you did before.

Dane Golden:
Yeah, the way I see it is that answer the – look for the entry level questions and you know what? Every single business, you talk to a salesperson at any business, you say, what are the first 10 questions people ask you when they first meet you? Not what are the best questions, not what should they be asking. Not one of these educated questions. What are the uninformed questions they ask? Those should be like pretty similar to the first questions you should be answering in your videos. Because, and also use the language of the customer, not of the expert. We experts have acronyms and high level language and jargon, but that’s not what somebody’s searching for.

They’re searching for something that oftentimes – sometimes they know the jargon – but sometimes they’re like, they don’t even know it, so they’re asking it wrong to begin with. Answer it the way they asked it.

Jamar Diggs:
Yes, I have this. I have, these three core questions that really probably like really paint the picture a lot more and really shows like people How far off they were in their communication with their target audience. And, I call it like this, like doctor and patient type of, communication structure.

And I, the first question is like, what are their challenges? The second question is, what arethe, like the pain points that are keeping the ideal client up at night, right? Like, and how does it, how does it impact their life or their business? And then the third question is how, what do they do that is actually a band aid to the actual solution?

And what typically happens is as the expert, we, see the end result so quickly that we start talking about the challenge, like how we see the challenge, which is like that first question. But the client or the, the target audience, they talk about their challenges as how they impact their life or business.

So they talk about their issues, like how they’re answering question no. 2, right? And so it’s more so. It’s more so like these little things that just add up in that form, that big problem, that big challenge that as a doctor, they know, right? So as a doctor, the doctor says, you have the flu. Okay. And the patient is saying, you know, I have this, like, I have some, body pain. I have a little cough. I have a little fever, you know, I don’t know what the flu is.

Dane Golden:
Are you saying that you should answer the question they have, not the advanced question? Answer it at the time that they need the answer to question no. 2?

Jamar Diggs:

Dane Golden:
Not answer number 20?


Jamar Diggs:
Yes, because that’s what they, that’s what’s important to them right now, right? Like you will eventually lead them to what that answer is. It’s like, how do I get rid of the flu? But right now they’re like, how do I know what’s happening to me? Like my cough is happening, you know, like I’m coughing, I’m sweating, how to get rid of those symptoms, right?

And so, that’s going to be like a really important thing. Because if you don’t, if you don’t find that bridge between that communication then your clients end up doing question number three, which is the band aids, right, that aren’t, that are not the real solution.

Dane Golden:
Okay. So, point one was manage YouTube expectations. Point two was, do, tactical content instead of transformational content. Number three is do your lead magnets right according to your own framework. The way you do things, not the way someone else does it. But I, before you tell me how to do lead magnets right, instead of wrong, I want you to explain why you need to do it to your own framework and what framework means to you.

Jamar Diggs:
Yeah, so I like to think about lead magnets the, gateway to your main offer, your signature offer, how people work with you. And so if your lead magnet kind of shows your framework, people already know how you can help them.

Dane Golden:
So it sells you because you’ve shown by them, just them downloading something, you’ve shown them how smart you are and how you work anyway, and they’re like, not only is this helpful, but this shows me that I actually want to work with this person. But how do you, but how do you do that? That sounds, I’m thinking that through, trying to figure out you do that.

Jamar Diggs:
Yeah. So it really depends. So this is where it gets very, it gets very like personalized, like customized, right? Because depending on how complex the framework is, you may need to change some things up, right? Because you have to think about like, what is your ideal client really going through? And so, you can either have something that shows like your entire like framework or like, your process, it highlights your process.

Or what is that first thing to get them started? Like, you know, maybe the lead magnet shows them, like, the realm of possibility of what happens when you apply the framework. You know what I’m saying? But in the, but in this lead magnet, you get to complete the first step of it.

Dane Golden:
All right. So what, just quickly, when you say framework, it’s your pro, your own process of doing business and, so forth?

Jamar Diggs:
Yeah. So your framework. So for me, your framework is your unique way of thinking. your unique methodology of you, getting transformations for your clients, right? So what is the specific ways, what is your unique process that you help people to, get the transformation that you are promising them in all of your marketing?

Dane Golden:
Okay. All right. Okay. And so, let’s give an example of what a good lead magnet might be depending on what industry you’re in.

Jamar Diggs:
Yeah, so one of the things, a really good one that, oh my God, there’s so many that I’m like, I kind of want to use mine, but then I’m like, don’t, use yours, do another one. And so,

Dane Golden:
Do your. People. I want to link to it anyway. So-

Jamar Diggs:
gosh. So, so I have two, right? And so, because my ideal clients, they either are starting their YouTube journey, right? Or they have started and they have just kind of ghosted. They, and, you know, they’ve left it to die. And, so, with the, with the people who are starting their channel and are interested in using it for business, I have a 90 minute quick start guide for them to get started with YouTube.

They’re doing the first, thing that they should do, to, that is like in my like 90 day, my, my 90 day strategy, right? It-

Dane Golden:
Okay. So question. So, so they, you say, here’s sign up for my 90 minute quick start guide, you said, and they put in their email, you give them, I presume it’s a PDF and it, goes through the steps. “Hey, you need to get started. Here’s how you do it.” Now, my question is, how does that show, demonstrate, your framework, how does it demonstrate that if they go further and want to work with you as a consultant, how does that show that?

Jamar Diggs:
Yeah, so the purp-, so the offer that is tied to that lead magnet is my membership. And so the membership is the sell here, and the promise of that is to launch your channel in 90 days. OK. And so with that, they have completed half of the first month, half of the first month.

Dane Golden:
So, so, you, what you’re saying, you didn’t tell them necessarily when they download it, but they’re actually downloaded is step one and you should also, as step two, you like step one, be part of step two, which is a paid membership.

Jamar Diggs:
Right. And, with that, whenever someone, I know like with my ideal clients, once they build this channel, they’re going to want to figure out how to, like, use it to the best of their ability. And so, through my messaging, through, like, my, sales sequences and stuff, I’m able to show them that, hey, this was a great first step for you, and if you are really trying to use YouTube as a lead generator in your business, then we should definitely get to the next step and, make that happen.

Here’s a few case studies. Here are some, you know, just, there’s a lot of, building up, you know,

And, and then with the person that has already like built their channel and they’re like, oh, it just doesn’t work. They’re just different, right? They kind of think they already know everything.

They’ve been there, done that, they’ve tried it and they’re like, what are you going to tell me that’s different than a course? And so, with them, I have more of a in-depth, like free program that is, a way for them to identify why their channel did not, do well the first time and what they need to do to make it better.

And in there, it’s I have three client stories that are woven between these lessons that really show, where the client was, what changes we needed to make and, and the results from that. And then some key lessons for them to identify if they want to kind of see similar results to that.

And so it’s a lot of reprogramming and for them to really identify what happened. And so it’s a lot of, that’s, you know, those are different people. And so that kind of offer, that, freebie, that lead magnet goes towards my, my, like, my one-to-one consulting offers.

Dane Golden:
And there will be, again, there’s links in the description right now as you’re listening that you can click on And please do follow the links from my description so that Jamar can know that I’m sending traffic his way. That’s always nice for people to know. Now, number four is know your numbers, right? Know your numbers and know your goal, your numbers based goals.

Jamar Diggs:
Yes. One of the biggest things that has happened. So, before I, so I just, recently at the top of this month, transitioned to, being a solo consultant after running a YouTube, a full service YouTube management agency for about two years or so. And one of the, and I had a whole team, I had employees, I had the whole shebang. And and I had these clients that were hiring us and, we were,

having our monthly numbers check in and stuff. And I was showing them some really great things and they were like, well, how do I know that this is good? And I was like, what do you mean? How do you know that this is good? And, I had to ask, I said, well, what do you mean? Like, are you, like, are you getting, traffic to your website?

Are you getting, like, the lead magnet signups? Are people talking about your thing? And they’re like, and then I asked them, like, well, how does that compare to your other channels? And they could not tell me. And so in my head, I was like, well, how are you going to tell me that I’m doing a bad job if you don’t know your numbers?

And so, and this was the very beginning stage of, like, my agency. So I was, like, very scrappy and I was like, well, I’m going to figure out how I can track this so that I can like show them that we are doing the damn thing. And, so I ended up setting up, goal conversions for all of the lead magnets that they had up on Google Analytics.

I started learning all of that stuff. And, and It was so great because I was able to show them how much traffic was going over to their lead, like to their lead magnets and how many of them were actually signing up for it. like, you know, like month over month. And also how that compares to their other platforms.

So even though YouTube was like my thing, I was able to, these goal conversions don’t, you know, you get to see all of the traffic. And so I was able to see that like, “Hey, 50% of your email signups for last month came from YouTube and you only post two videos a month there, versus you’re posting every day up on Instagram.

Dane Golden:
Let me ask further on that. So, you say goal conversions, what you’re talking about is through Google Analytics, correct? So, Google Analytics, most people have it, or some version of it. It sits in the back end of your website, so tracking how people are coming in, and then you can create goals of conversions within Google Analytics to better target that.

Now, people might be sending in, in from organic traffic on Google, or on social media, or on whatever, or on ads. Now, for this you were tracking on YouTube, I presume, what we call organic, meaning it was from the description, or are, were you also running YouTube ads for them?

Jamar Diggs:
No, So I, so, I wasn’t running ads for them. I actually know nothing about YouTube ads. I stay away from there. I, but I was, it was all organic and so I was able to track how many clicks are coming from either like the banner, the video description, or the pinned comment and how many of those people were going over to, the website and then from the website, how many of them were actually like completing the form to like get the freebie, get lead magnet and enter into their, like, their sequences.

Dane Golden:
And follow up question, because you have to put like a, sort of a long URL, or maybe a link that obscures the long URL… Were you doing a different link from every video, or did you just use the same link and just put it all the different places?

Jamar Diggs:
Yeah, so in the beginning stages, I was just using, well in the beginning stages, I wasn’t tracking, tracking specifically, where, like, like which video, right? But over time I started getting more gradual because I started getting more nerdy. And I started wanting to like, know. But so now, yeah, we, we do like per video, like for each video and then also the location of the link.

Dane Golden:
That’s a lot of tracking. That’s a lot of tracking, and it’s easy to get them confused, because I’ve tried, like, doing it for each video. It’s easy to get, like, wait, was this for this video? Or, yeah.

Jamar Diggs:
Yeah, I I normally, so I keep it all… well, that’s, I guess that’s, probably like the benefit of, so I use… I, I built a YouTube content hub, basically, inside of Airtable. And so, where we’re able to track, you know, all the videos, that’s where I do all of, like, the planning of the videos, I, like, store all, like, the tags, the video description, all that other stuff, like, what is going to be the call to action, and so, for each video, I’m able to put, like, I’m able to put like what the links are that I’m going to add for that video there. And so it keeps it a little bit more organized, at least inside my head. And so I’m able to just kind of, you know, just use that.

Dane Golden:
So, four was know your numbers and your KPIs and your analytics and know what you’re actually shooting for and get, and not just from YouTube, but from area. Number five, what’s number five? It says sales system versus YouTube views. What is, what does that mean?

Jamar Diggs:
Yeah, having a sales system. So what are you, like, honestly, what are you doing? Why are you on YouTube? Why, what happens, after they find you on YouTube? What is the plan? What is the game plan? And, that probably should have been number four, but I don’t care.

It’s like, because you got to have a lead, because you got to have a lead magnet, and then after that, what is, the rest, right? Are they just opting into a newsletter? Are you sending newsletters? Are you sending weekly news, newsletters? Is being very- Having a plan, having a structured set of emails or ads or whatever that may be.

Once you have them on your pixel, once you have them on your list, how, what are you mark, what is the plan to get them to convert into an actual sale? You have to at least try. At least try the first time. and then over time, you know, you’ll be able to, to nurture them even more, you know, with like your weekly newsletter or what have you.

Dane Golden:
And that, that wraps into the numbers as well, is are you testing it? Are you tracking it? Now there was another note you had here that says marketing is not linear. What does that mean?

Jamar Diggs:
I believe that people like to control a customer journey, like they, they really want to say, you find me on YouTube, you opt into my lead magnet, and in three days after this sequence, you should be ready to buy now, regardless. And that just doesn’t, that’s not how, anything works. That’s, just not how human behavior works.

That’s not how, and it’s so funny because that’s not even how the person who was telling me that’s what they expect works. Like, like when they come to me, they’re like, yeah, I’ve been following you for months and I’ve just been trying to wait to figure out, like there’s always something that happens.

Right. And so we have to understand that marketing is not linear and, and when I say that, I mean, you cannot always control the outcome. This is why YouTube does not happen in a silo. It impact, it should, help. Make other marketing easier for you. Right? And so I like to treat YouTube as like the handshake of like my business.

Right? And so people find you, had the opportunity to be found by people that you have never been able to find ever because you are at home or you’re in the same state or whatever. And, and so Now, they know who you are, they may end up following you up on Instagram or LinkedIn or they opt into your newsletter, however way that they choose to interact with you. They are choosing. You may want them to go onto your email list. Of course you do, but maybe they want to go to your LinkedIn or maybe they want to go to your Instagram. It’s up to them to decide how they want to interact with you, but you have to make things easy for them, right? And so, That’s kind of like the thing to where it’s like we cannot control everything and we have to be okay with that. And that’s why we should have other forms of marketing working together and not individually.

Dane Golden:
I tell you, it took me… I feel foolish because it took me so long to realize exactly what you’re saying, and I’m doing it professionally just like you are. And until I was at Social Media Marketing World about five or six years ago, and I was talking to Ben Amos, who is another video marketer, another video marketing podcaster, very, very, smart guy.

And he said, the YouTube marketing funnel is not what you say it is. It’s what they did. They’ve decided, just by their actions, what their funnel is. You may draw it on a graph and say, okay, here’s the funnel. They do this, then they do this. That’s not necessarily what they’re doing, and it, somehow, it never occurred to me.

I was so much, I’m in charge of the funnel, but no, the customer’s in charge of their own funnel. You can help guide them, you can do some things, but you have no idea how it’s going to end up.

Jamar Diggs:
Yeah, I think that the name of the game is just at the end of the day we need to do marketing, do content marketing to, to stay top of mind and be the, the best choice at the right time, right? Like, so your content should always be positioning you as an expert. It should always, make sure that they know that you are the authority, on that topic. And then when the time is right for them, then they will choose you, if you’re positioning, if you’ve positioned yourself properly.

Dane Golden:
And Jamar Diggs, I want to know the top three things about So the number one, service and feature you, that you offer?

Jamar Diggs:
That we help business owners get out of their head and launch their channel in 90 days.

Dane Golden:
That is a very big benefit. Because it is so common to just be thinking and planning and sitting on your butt and no videos get made, no videos get published.

Jamar Diggs:
Yeah. And it’s just, and that just can go on for years. I’ve had people tell me that they have been thinking about doing a channel for over five years And it’s always, it’s always, becoming a priority when something else goes wrong. And I don’t want people to wait that long because then they’re expecting YouTube to do some magical acts for them. And we don’t really want that. We want to plant the seeds now in the marketing strategy so that they can reap the rewards of it, can reap the long term benefits of it.

Dane Golden:
And number two, what’s one?

Jamar Diggs:
Is that all of this can happen. All of these types of results, like turning your YouTube channel into a lead generation activity can happen by just doing two strategic videos a month. You do not have to post every week. You don’t have to post two times a week. If you are being really strategic in the type of content that you post up there, just two videos a month will do the job.

job Now, if you have time to do more. Do more, right? But, working with my clients, we have escaped burnout by just doing two videos a month, and I am so happy to, to say that and to have that be, like, one of, like, the main benefits of, like, the work that I do with my clients.

Dane Golden:
And we’re not talking about shorts, we’re not talking about live streams, we’re talking about a structured, a horizontal video.

Jamar Diggs:
Oh my gosh, yes, I didn’t even say that. Like, none of my clients are doing Shorts. I tell them to not do them. I’m like, you don’t have the time to do Shorts. Why are you wasting your time on Shorts? Well, like focus on the long-form video, because that is where the conversion is.

Dane Golden:
And what’s the third thing?

Jamar Diggs:
And the third thing is that all of this happens with a “low lift video marketing system,” right? So all your videos low lift.

Dane Golden:
Low lift, you said. Low lift.

Jamar Diggs:
Yes, they are. They’re all low lift. You do not have to worry about them being highly produced, highly edited. They are the… Literally it’s epitome of like low effort, low lift, but high reward.

And, I’ve been able to do that with my clients. Like we have had, a client that is a nonprofit, accountant. And she records videos just on her webcam or even on her phone sometimes, right? And her channel has been doing so well. Just last month, she’s been able to close five clients from YouTube and that equates in about $100k revenue annually.

Dane Golden:

Jamar Diggs:
For her,

Dane Golden:

Jamar Diggs:

Dane Golden:
You said $100k annually.

Jamar Diggs:
Yeah. Because, of. Well, because she’s an accountant, and so, accounting… Whenever they hire an accountant, they stay long term. They stay for about a year or like, and then they renew. And so five of those clients that equates to $100k ARR.

Dane Golden:
Wow $100k extra revenue per year, just from, still two, two videos a month?

Jamar Diggs:

Dane Golden:
How many videos total? How long has she been doing this?

Jamar Diggs:
Okay. So we are, ooh, good question. So we are on her, we are on her 35th, I want to say video.

Dane Golden:
Wow, just 35 videos. So divided

by two, that’s 17. So that’s about like just like a few months.

Jamar Diggs:
Yeah. Yep.

Dane Golden:
So, okay, Jamar Diggs, this is a surprise question we ask every guest. Are you ready?

Jamar Diggs:
Okay. I’m ready.

Dane Golden:
What is a question that I should have asked you, or people should ask you, but I didn’t, or they don’t.

Jamar Diggs:
Man, you asked me all the questions that I like.

Dane Golden:
Well, maybe there’s nothing. Maybe we got all the questions.

Jamar Diggs:
Let’s see. You know, I really think you hit everything with, because like, because all of, because making YouTube into a sales funnel for your business is one of like my, like, I will die a hill for. And most people don’t ask me about that. They ask me about, you know, growing the channel or, you know, just like stuff like that. And, I ended up having to always shift the prep, shift the conversation to it being more of a funnel.

And so I feel like we hit everything in there. Oh, you know, if we want it, if we want it to dive a little bit deeper, not like taking too much time, but like almost like the types of videos that, we should post, like, because I have four core types of videos that, that someone should just be adding on rotation.

Dane Golden:
Do you have a video about the four types of videos?

Jamar Diggs:
Oh gosh, yes. Yes,

Dane Golden:
me a link to that. You’ll send me a link to that. We’ll put that in. But do you know them offhand? Can you tell me what they are real quick and people will see the link?

Jamar Diggs:
Yes, it’s called your “anchor video.” Those are the typical how to videos, tutorial videos. The other video is “shifting perspective.” So like think about like your myth busters, things that make people go, “Oh, I didn’t think about that!” The third one is “combating objections,” right? So what are those band aids that people are doing? Really hit those things head on. And then, the last one is “your personal story” or, “client stories” like these success stories and really tell them in a way that it’s positioned to where it’s like, the viewer can see themselves in the challenge and then also in the transformation.

Dane Golden:
So, tutorials, just basic tutorials. Mythbusting, so you thought something was one way, it’s not the truth, it’s this way. Combating objections, so the reasons people have for not doing this. This is why you should do it. And then personal stories, these are more like case studies, this person did this, and they did this. And that’s why this is good.

Jamar Diggs:
Yeah. Yep.

Dane Golden:
Okay, so, JamarDiggs, J-A-M-A-R D-I-G-G-S. And it’s, is it Or, is it

Jamar Diggs:

Dane Golden:
Okay, great. Now, tell us some of your other URLs where people can find you.

Jamar Diggs:
Yeah. So you can find me on Instagram and LinkedIn and Threads. I’m very active on Instagram and Threads, @JamarDiggs. It’s very, easy to find me at J-A-M-A-R D-I-G-G-S. And yeah, if you want those resources that I talked about, launching your channel or reviving your channel, Dane has those and yeah, I look forward, like just shoot me a DM you guys and let’s talk. It’s a party over here on Instagram and Threads, let me tell you.

Dane Golden:
Fantastic. And my name is Dane Golden. This is the VidAction podcast , for growing YouTube channels like yours. And if you’re also, if you’re a video marketer, YouTube creator, this is the place to be. Please subscribe, leave us a comment, send me an email, –

Until next week, here’s to helping you help your customers through video.
