YouTube B-Roll

Last updated on June 15th, 2024

Does using B-roll footage in your YouTube videos help or hurt your views and watch times? Gwen and Dane give you the answers, going into specifics about what kind of B-roll footage you should add and how to do it.

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HOSTS: The VidAction Podcast is hosted by:
– Dane Golden of and | LinkedIn | Twitter | YouTube
– Gwen Miller  LinkedIn | Twitter

SPONSORS: This episode is brought to you by our affiliate partners, including:, and other products and services we recommend.

PRODUCER: Jason Perrier of Phizzy Studios

Gwen Miller:

“There is this very delicate balance we’re trying to achieve on YouTube, right? Which is a high quality, but the illusion that this is a very personal medium, where you’re talking one-on-one with your audience. So there are certain things that if you borrow it from say the television world, it’s just not a great idea. Because it just makes it look too produced. And there’s other things that can add, that kind of pop, that are going to help your video do better. And in some ways, B-roll falls in both those camps.”

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