I reveal the Golden Engagement Quotient for YouTube this week with @LonSeidman on Behind the Video

Last updated on June 14th, 2024

This week I again appeared on “Behind the Video” with host Lon Seidman. I filled in for regular host Tim Street who was shooting in New York. Thanks guys for having me on!

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This week’s episode was #67 “Latest YouTube Changes and the GoldenEQ with Guest Host Dane Golden, and I presented a number of YouTube news and tips, including what I call the Golden EQ for YouTube.

The Golden EQ (Engagement Quotient) for YouTube is my formerly secret formula for ranking engagement on videos, and enables you to compare your own videos with any video. When I do a channel analysis, I usually rank it on more than 30 factors. But the Golden EQ is the quick and dirty version which tells you most of what you want to know.

Here’s the formula:
[Cx3+(L+D)]/Vx1000=”Golden EQ”

The ideal Golden EQ number for a video is 100 (which is extremely difficult to get). I would estimate that 80% of videos have a Golden EQ of less than 33. If you are under 100, you need to work on engagement more than distribution. If you are the 1% over 100, then you need to work on distribution more than engagement. I will write more about this at a later time.

Interesting Tidbit: Lon does a lot of gadget reviews, and I had previously recommended that he respond to almost every non-trolling comment. And he’s done a lot more commenting now (but says he should do more). Here’s what he said in the show: “I’ve been surprised that the more I engage with my audience, the less trolling I see.” And now he says that “people are asking really good questions. I’ve been doing web stuff for a long time and I’ve never seen commenting more productive than I have within my YouTube [since he started with the commenting strategy], and it’s been really nice.” He’s even made videos that reply specifically to his audience, which he’s found to be a very valuable engagement strategy.
