How To Never Miss A YouTube Video – For Business

how to not miss any youtube videos

Last updated on June 14th, 2024

How can you make sure you’re tracking all the YouTube videos you need to see?

Let’s find out.!

Hey, this is Dane Golden from This is the channel where we give you Video Content Marketing tips to help you get your customers coming back to your videos again and again.

How do you make sure you’re seeing all the videos from a given YouTube channel? Maybe you need to watch a YouTube channel because they’re a competitor of yours or a partner of yours or they’re helping you with research in some way or you’re just a fan, but because of the algorithm you may not be seeing every video when they come out. You may get them a day later. You may get not every video. They may post several videos at once and you only get notified about one of them.

There are lots of ways to get notified, but not always a lot of ways to make sure you’re getting notified that every video has come out. So what do you do?

Well, one way to track every single video of a given channel is by using Feedly. Feedly is both a desktop app and a mobile app and what it is it’s simply an RSS reader that you can use to track a given YouTube channel. If you don’t know what RSS is, it’s just simply the way things used to get tracked most of the time before people watched everything on Facebook or Twitter or in apps.

In Feedly, you can track your top YouTube channels, the ones you never want to miss a video from in Feedly. And what does this do? You wouldn’t necessarily want to do this for every channel because if you are subscribed to 300 channels, that’s just too much for Feedly, in my opinion.

What you might want to do is your top 10, top five, top 20 channels and see those all in reverse chronological order. You never miss one video.

Let me show you how to do it. All right, this is what Feedly looks like on your desktop. You see I’ve added a number of YouTube subscriptions here and it’s really simple to add a channel. All you do is you go to Content, Add Website, and then you add the URL of the channel and you click Follow. And I’m sorting these into YouTube subscriptions. So now that will appear, YouTube Help right here and I can see their videos in reverse chronological order. So this one came out six hours ago, 14 days ago.

These really only show the last 30 days, and if a channel hasn’t had any video in the last 30 days, like some of these over here, it will just show nothing. So I’m waiting for FAQ Tube with Tom Martin. I know he’s going to be ramping up his channel, so he hasn’t done a lot of videos lately and I know he’s going to do more, so it’ll show up here when he does one, but he hasn’t done one in more than a month. And you can also look at them all together.

Now there is a bug sometimes when you subscribe to a new channel as I did with Tubular Labs. It shows them all coming up as two hours ago which is not true. I don’t know why it does that, but I assume that that will change after a day or so and it will recache and say “Oh, no, no. Some of these videos were not from two days ago.”

But you can see here each one of these videos, I got Brighton West’s channel here so I can just click on it and then it clicks and it opens his video, and I can play this video about him and his cat. And if I want to go to the channel itself, you can just click and there it is. Again, if I go to all my subscriptions I can see them in reverse chronological order.

Let’s take out the bug for a moment here and see that a day ago Nick posted, Creator Fundamentals posted a day ago, Video Creators two days ago, vidIQ two days ago, Tips with Trena two days ago, isitebuild two days ago, Amy Landino three days ago, Morning Fame three days ago, Justin Brown, vidIQ, Nick Nimmin, TubeBuddy, Tips with Trena, and so on and so forth.

These are the people who are publishing the most, and you can also see in alphabetical order, how many videos someone has posted in the last month. So Amy has posted seven videos, isitebuild 10, Nick Nimmin 10, Justin Brown five, Jeremy Vest has posted four videos, Tips with Trena 10 videos, TubeBuddy eight videos, Video Creators 10 videos, and then below it excludes the channels that have not published in the last month.

If you are worried about not being able to see all of your videos from Jeremy Vest, for instance, you can just go here and you can see he’s been ramping up his channel. And he’s got four videos in the last month and they put an ad here so that’s not his video. So now you can make sure you don’t miss any videos by using Feedly. This is a free service and it’s available on mobile and in an app as well. It’s also free.

How do you follow your top YouTube channels? Tell me in the comments below or email me at help at is about giving you Video Content Marketing tips to help you get your customers coming back to your videos again and again. How do you do this? By sharing your expertise. Because when you share your expertise in a way that helps your customers live their lives better or do their jobs better, you’ll earn their loyalty and their trust and their business. My name’s Dane Golden, this is, please subscribe, and hey, watch another video. And please watch this video, and watch this video.!
