How To Use Google Trends For Better YouTube SEO

Last updated on June 14th, 2024

How can you use Google Trends to help your videos do better in YouTube search? Let’s find out.

Hey this is Dane Golden from This is the channel where we give you video content marketing tips to help you get your customers coming back to your videos again and again.

How do you use Google Trends to help your videos come up better in YouTube search? Well, what is Google Trends? Google Trends is a service offered by Google and YouTube is, of course, a sister company of Google. YouTube has the second largest search engine in the world after Google. Thus, they work together so you can use Google Trends to find things about YouTube and help your videos rank higher.

To find Google Trends, you go to T-R-E-N-D-S dot google dot com. Okay, so you come to Google Trends and there’re already have some trending topics but we really only care about our topics. So we’re just going to type in, let’s do the normal journalism questions: who, what, where, when, why. Who. What. Where. When. Why.

All right, so you can type in five different terms at a time. And these are relative terms. So they are compared to one another. There’s no place on here is it going to tell you how many searches are done. It just tells you how these terms relate to another.

But we are not nearly done. We’ve not even begun here because this has Worldwide and I never want to do Worldwide. I’m more interested in just the United States. My clients are in the United States and that’s what I’m targeting for. Now, we’ll get business from other countries but I want to know what United States is doing. I think there’s so much traffic from around the world, it can skew your research.

Also, very important, here it says Web Search. We’re actually interested in YouTube Search, not Web Search. We’re going to change this from YouTube Search to Web Search and watch how these relative terms change. I mean, here we have Web Search, by the way. Blue is what. So what is very popular on Web Search. That’s the main Google Search. But is it as popular in relation to the other terms on YouTube? Well, no, it’s not. Suddenly, the green, what’s green? When. When got really popular. So, I’m going to go back to Web Search just so you can see, now. Watch green, that’s when, see what happens. So green is way, way down here and what is way, way up here. Who and where and why down below.

So, if you’re doing titles that have who and where and why, I’m not telling you not to do those, I’m just saying those are more niche concepts than what and when. Let’s go back to YouTube. So what by far out does these other terms and when is second. It’s a close, it’s not even a close second, it’s second.

Now, “how to” is huge on YouTube. Let’s take the bottom one who ’cause no one cares about who apparently and let’s change it to how. That’s red now, oh my gosh, look at how. How is so much more searched for. We’re doing YouTube Search in the United States. How is so much more searched for than what, which was far and away above the other terms. So what is a distant second to how.

Now I’m going to remove one of the other bottom terms. I’m remove why ’cause I want to do how to and see if that is any different than how on YouTube. How to mirrors very closely how. It’s almost as if they’re the same thing, which I guess they are. So this is not to say that you should only do how to videos but it does demonstrate that when people come to YouTube, they’re much more interested in how to videos than what or where or when or why. So, who, what, where, when and why and sometimes how, it’s how that wins every time.

Let’s take a look at the difference between how people search on YouTube versus how they search on Google itself. So, remember we’re now in YouTube Search and we’re going to change to Web Search. That’s the main Google. Now watch these terms. How is way up here, right? How and how to, roughly the same. The blue one is what. So let’s see how these change when you toggle between YouTube and Google. Now we’re moving to Google.

All right, so how is still the top. Then comes what and how to is actually sort of tied for second. It’s either second or a third. So it really is different how people are searching on Google versus how they are searching on YouTube. They want to know on YouTube how to do things where as on Google it’s more raw information they’re looking for. They’re looking for answers, the what, on Google. But they’re looking to solve problems on YouTube. Back to YouTube here.

So how to, now this doesn’t say you shouldn’t use the other terms, the other question terms. The other who, what, where, when and why but it shows you what people are looking for. So, you should emphasize how to and that’s the approach we take here at We want to help our clients solve customer problems through how to. And by solving the customer problems, they get loyalty and business.

What do you think about using Google Trends to help your YouTube videos rank higher in search? Did I answer your question? If not, email me at help at or ask me in the comments. is about helping you get your customers coming back to your videos again and again. How do you do this? By sharing your expertise. Because when you share your expertise in a way that helps people live more fulfilling lives, or are able to do their jobs or run their businesses better, you will earn their loyalty and their trust and their business.

My name is Dane Golden, watch this video here or this video here. Comment below. Subscribe somewhere. Watch this video. See you next time.
