How To Embed A Native LinkedIn Video Into A LinkedIn Article

How To Embed A Native LinkedIn Video Into A LinkedIn Article

Last updated on June 14th, 2024

Here is how you embed a native LinkedIn video into a LinkedIn article.


Native LinkedIn video is growing quickly as a platform. And LinkedIn articles have great SEO authority.


  1. Native video on LinkedIn is like native video on Facebook – the video is actually hosted by LinkedIn, it’s not an embedded YouTube video.
  2. LinkedIn articles, or posts, – or blog posts or Pulse posts, or whatever you want to call them – have great SEO authority.
  3. LinkedIn articles are different than status updates. They’re longer and look more like blog posts.
  4. LinkedIn articles are connect to your LinkedIn profile, so it’s a great way to share your expertise with business connections or new connections browsing your profile.
  5. While you can embed YouTube videos on you LinkedIn blog posts, it’s likely that the LinkedIn algorithm will favor a native video post more than one that has an embedded YouTube video. LinkedIn is heavily algorithm-driven and more so all the time – if the native video isn’t a factor today, it likely will be soon.


  1. Go to a LinkedIn status update that has a native LinkedIn video.
  2. Click the three dots “…”
  3. Click “Embed this post.”
  4. Un-check the checkbox that says “Embed full post.”
  5. Copy the code.
  6. Go to your LinkedIn article.
  7. Click the plus on the left side of text.
  8. Click on the one-line box that says “Paste the video link here and press Enter to add.”
  9. Paste in the code.
  10. Hit enter.
  11. It saves automatically.


Now your native LinkedIn video is embedded in your LinkedIn article.

SPECIAL THANKS to String Nguyen who showed me how to do this.


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